Alle Tipps findet ihr auch unter: www.merian.de/europa/grossbritannien/edinburgh-podcast
Kulturfestival Fringe, edfringe.com
Hogmanay, Silvester in Edinburgh, www.edinburghshogmanay.com
Pubs & Teatime:
Deacon Brodie’s Tavern, 435 Lawnmarket, www.nicholsonspubs.co.uk
Greyfriar’s Bobby’s Bar, 30-34 Candlemaker Row,www.nicholsonspubs.co.uk
The Royal Oak, 1 Infirmary St, www.royal-oak-folk.com
St. Vincent Bar, 11, St Vincent Street, www.instagram.com/st.vincentpub
The Bailie, 2-4 St Stephen Street, www.thebailiebar.com
The Antiquary, 72-78 St Stephen Street, https://theantiquarybar.co.uk
The Last Drop, 74-78 Grassmarket, www.nicholsonspubs.co.uk
The Boundary Bar, 379 Leith Walk, www.facebook.com/theboundarybar
The Kitchin, 78 Commercial Quay, Leith, https://thekitchin.com
Teuchters Landing, 1c Dock Pl, Leith, https://teuchtersbar.co.uk
Fingal, Alexandra Docks, www.fingal.co.uk
Elephant House, 21 George IV Bridge, elephanthouse.biz
Balmoral Hotel, 1 Princes Street, www.roccofortehotels.com
Artisan Roast, 100a Raeburn Place, https://artisanroast.co.uk
The Pastry Section, 86, Raeburn Place, www.pastrysection.com
The Scotch Whisky Experience, 354, Castle Hill, www.scotchwhiskyexperience.co.uk
Johnny Walker Experience, 145 Princes Street, https://www.johnniewalker.com
Port of Leith Destillery, 11 Whisky Quay, www.leithdistillery.com
Royal Yacht Britannia, Ocean Drive, www.royalyachtbritannia.co.uk
Farmers Market, NCP Castle Terrace Car Park, www.edinburghfarmersmarket.co.uk, samstags 9-14 Uhr
Botanischer Garten, 20a Inverleith Road, www.rbge.org.uk
Water of Leith Walkway, www.waterofleith.org.uk/walkway
Edinburgh Castle, Castle Hill, edinburghcastle.scot, www.edintattoo.co.uk
Holyrood Palace, Canongate, rct.uk
National Gallery, The Mound, www.nationalgalleries.org
Modern Gallery, 73 & 75 Belford Road, https://www.nationalgalleries.org
Touren durch Edinburgh und Umgebung mit Beryl Preuschmann:
Weitere Tipps und Touren: www.visitscotland.com
Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde (Diogenes Verlag)
Robert Louis Stevenson, Die Schatzinsel (dtv)
Dudelsackfreie Musik aus Schottland:
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